Bee Pollen, Berry & Broccoli Rabe Smoothie / by Lindsey | Dolly and Oatmeal

the first few weeks of my pregnancy i was all, i'm going to eat kale salads, drink all the green juice, and give this babe every nutrient i can find. turns out that life and pregnancy had a different plan (as they often do!).  while i wasn't most nauseous in the morning, afternoon and dinner time was somewhat tortured moments of the day where i felt completely disconnected and couldn't get my stomach and my brain on the same page - it actually wasn't until a few weeks ago where i was able to eat like a functioning adult.  i had been living off of every breakfast food that was palatable and sneaking in some random stuff on the side (one night it was granola topped with banana, and potato salad - balance. right?). i felt super guilty and totally thought this tiny human was getting gypped of all the wholesome foods i initially was pumped to be able to give him.  when the nausea finally decreased i started getting back to a better eating routine and incorporating some green stuff here and there.  i began with straight up fruity acai bowls and now i've been progressively adding greens to my mid-morning smoothie routine with zero queasy vibes!  

i love a kale smoothie, but i've been adding whatever i have on hand: baby spinach, leftover beet greens, and to my surprise broccoli rabe leaves actually taste super awesome all whipped up with some berries, and frozen, creamy banana :)  their slightly peppery leaves give this smoothie an extra kick i never thought would be worth trying.  but this smoothie is chock full of spring and summer faves, too.  if you follow me over on snapchat (username: dollyoatmeal) then you saw that i just picked up a couple of baskets of fresh strawberries at the market this past sunday - they were odd shaped, full of stems, vibrant, super juicy, and sweet! it'll be a while before raspberries make their debut, so for the time being i'm sticking to the frozen variety.  it's also got some bee pollen because: allergy season.  whenever frank's partaking in smoothie drinking i always add some bee pollen for his allergies, because oddly enough it actually reduces histamine (which is the result of an allergic reaction).  so this is a great way to relieve some of your allergies while also getting a good amount of nutrients in the process - win/win!

love + smoothies! xo

* this post was created in partnership with Andy Boy Broccoli Rabe.  all opinions, as always, are my own.  thank you so much for supporting the sponsors that help dolly and oatmeal going!

bee pollen, berry, and broccoli rabe smoothie | vegan

any berries would be great here, and i could imagine using all frozen berries if that's what you prefer/have on-hand (just nix the ice cubes).  i also imagine that using unsweetened coconut yogurt in place of the almond milk would be super as well

| makes 2 small servings |

  • 1 cup broccoli rabe leaves
  • 1 small frozen banana
  • 1 cup fresh strwberries
  • 1 cup frozen raspberries
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon hemp seeds
  • 1 teaspoon bee pollen
  • 1 teaspoon maple syrup
  • ice


  1. place all ingredients in an upright blender (preferably high-speed) and blend for 1 minute, until completely smooth.
  2. pour into 2 glasses, top with bee pollen, and serve immediately. 

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