stone barns / by Lindsey | Dolly and Oatmeal

i'm always beyond excited when my brother comes home for a visit - it's like i'm 8 years old all over again and he's coming back from summer sleepaway camp and i have all to do to not squeeze him to death and litter his cheeks with big smooches.  he's been more than a brother to me, i consider him one of my greatest friends - when others don't get it, he surely does; and when he tells me something (good or bad) there's no BS, just totally straight up.  but after a few years of him living there, that new norm became life, and i made it through my dreaded brother-withdrawals with the help of facetime (thanks, apple!), some frequent visits to see him, and the benefits of maturing into an adult!  and so after almost 10 years of him living on the other side of the country what i thought would be a terrible thing turned out to be survivable, and may i say really good.  

each time he comes back for a visit we find ourselves at stone barns for a walk.  i like to think of it as a reset of sorts. a place that changes with the seasons, but offers up the good juju whenever you set foot on its grounds and breath in its fresh air.  but autumn here gets me every year. those leaves! the crisp cool air! the scent of cozy hot apple cider wafting through the air!   we were lucky enough to see the last of the tomatoes being plucked, and the remaining asian pears still secured to their branches before the first freeze hit, and a group of farmers herding the turkeys from their grazing field into where they settle for the evening. big hopes that you're enjoying these cozy november days as well! xo

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