mujadra tacos w/ leeks, spring herbs + pea tendrils by Lindsey | Dolly and Oatmeal

the spring season is here, the sun is shining brighter and longer, my house plants are dancing to the sun's revived rhythm, and there are small pieces of what look like daffodils pushing through the earth.  it all sounds nice, but the temperature hasn't risen above 30-something and this chick is getting impatient!  all i want to do is sit outside with warm sunshine hitting my face, make green salads filled with every vegetable imaginable, i would love to make a rhubarb something, but the fact remains, even though the season is spring, spring hasn't truly sprung yet - at least not here!  

in an effort to celebrate spring, but to also be mindful that it still totally feels like winter, today i bring you one of my favorite dishes on the face of the earth, MUJADRA!  it's a humble and cozy rice + lentil dish full of caramelized onions and warm flavorful spices.  while most days i usually buy huge containers of it from sahadi's (the most bomb middle eastern grocery/deli in all the land) i've been trying to hone my mujadra-making skills.  traditionally, mujadra (also known as mujaddara) is made by cooking the lentils and rice together, but here i use brown basmati rice, which has a longer cook time than white rice, and therefore has to be cooked separately (we don't want no mushy lentils!).  i also chose to use leeks in place of sweet onions mostly because i bought 3 leeks the size of baseball bats and needed to use them in something, but also because they're a perfect segue to spring!   also in the spirit of our new season, i left behind some of winter's warming spices like turmeric, cinnamon and allspice and replaced them with bright, bitter parsley and pea tendrils.  and what dish is complete without an edible vessel?  the truth is, food is more fun when you wrap a tortilla around it!  i was thinking sandwich, wrap, naan...but in the end i wanted less bread and more mujadra, hence the tortilla.  i'm no stranger to putting odd things in tortillas and calling them tacos, so i hope i'm not offending anyone!  i can't wait to get into the swing of spring things, should be a good one! xo

mujadra tacos w/ leeks, spring herbs + pea tendrils (gluten free)

| serves 4-6 (makes about 12 tacos) |

the mujadra recipe provided makes roughly 3 cups.  if you're planning on making this for a smaller crowd, i suggest either halving the recipe or freezing half for another time (i actually love making a big pot of this just so i can have leftovers to thaw whenever i want).  also, the yogurt in the tahini sauce can be substituted with plain soy or coconut yogurt, just be mindful these yogurts do not have as much punchiness as greek yogurt so you may want to add more lemon juice.  lastly, this can TOTALLY be eaten without the tortilla, just dollop on the yogurt sauce and chow-down!


  • 1 cup lentils (i used de puy)
  • 3/4 cup brown basmati rice
  • 3 large leeks, sliced lengthwise and into thin half moons (roughly 2 1/2 cups)
  • 1 cup parsley, chopped fine
  • 2 teaspoons ground cumin
  • 1/8-1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 3 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • fine grain sea salt + freshly ground pepper
  • pea tendrils, to garnish (you could also use micro greens or sprouts)
  • small tortillas

yogurt + tahini sauce (slightly adapted from Jerusalem: A Cookbook)

  • 4 1/2 tablespoons greek yogurt
  • 3 1/2 tablespoons tahini paste
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 garlic clove, minced fine
  • 2-4 tablespoons water
  • a big pinch of salt


make the tahini + yogurt sauce

  • in a medium-sized bowl, combine the yogurt, tahini, lemon juice, garlic, salt and 2 tablespoons of water - whisk to combine.  if you like, add more water for a thinner constancy.  place in a lidded jar and refrigerate until needed

make the lentils and rice

  • pick over and remove any cracked or shriveled lentils; rinse under water. place lentils in a medium-sized saucepan with 2 cups of water, bring to a boil.  once boiling, turn heat down and bring to a simmer.  cook, uncovered for 20-30 minutes.  add water as needed to make sure lentils are just covered.  once cooked, remove from heat and set aside
  • wipe out pot, place over medium heat and combine the rice, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, cumin, cayenne 1/4 teaspoon salt and some big cracks of pepper, stir to combine.  toast the rice and spices for a couple minutes stirring frequently.  add 1 1/2 cups of water; turn heat up and bring to a boil.  cover, turn heat to low and allow the rice to cook 40-50 minutes, until water is absorbed.  remove from heat and remove lid; place a tea towel over the pot and then place the lid back on.  set rice aside
  • while the rice is cooking, make the caramelized leeks.  heat a 10-inch skillet on medium, add the remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil.  when hot, place leeks in.  stir every few minutes or so for even cooking, the leeks with take on a caramel color and be quite fragrant when finished - about 20-25 minutes.  set aside

assemble tacos

  • in a large bowl, combine the lentils, rice, leeks and parsley.  taste and adjust seasoning if needed
  • place warm tacos on a clean work surface, add the mujadra to each tortilla, top with pea tendrils and yogurt-tahini sauce

serve warm and enjoy! 

(gluten + dairy free) chocolate olive oil bundt w/ salted maple almonds by Lindsey | Dolly and Oatmeal

the other day i was reading an article about the history of agriculture and food in america.  i had one of those "how come i never thought about this, it's so frickin' obvious" moments.  the author basically broke down the last 100 years of american eating in about 3 short paragraphs. early 1900s: hardly any grocery stores (only local "mom & pop" general stores) or restaurants and no fast-food.  mid-1900s: advertisers were increasingly abundant, encouraging people to buy store-bought items, ready-mix baked goods and dinners, instant coffee, and those boxed, microwavable TV dinners.  in the 80s and 90s there was a focus on workout videos (hello Jane Fonda, scrunchie socks and sweatbands!), Jenny Craig, protein bars and diet shakes.  as the author so vividly pointed out: more convenience = less wholesome food and the more we relied on convenience and giving other people responsibility to manage food for us, the less knowledge and concern we had over our own nutrition. i guess this struck me because as i've gotten older i have seen and felt the direct correlation between the food i put in my mouth and feeling good - making conscious decisions and taking responsibility for what will give my body energy, provide nutrients and put me in a good mood.

i know, chocolate cake after i went on a rant about nutrition?  hey, part of this whole nutrition thing is balance, and there's no balance in life if chocolate isn't involved, am i right?  me and chocolate cake have long history; on every single one of my birthdays my mom would make a chocolate layer cake with chocolate frosting with chocolate m&m's!  but then there was the baker's cafe - a small restaurant known as somewhat of a hippie establishment because they had items on the menu that included: sprouts, whole wheat bread, pita bread, hummus, and hemp seeds - so hippie you guys ;) in any event, their takeout/bakery counter had all sorts of cakes and cookies, but me and my dad's favorite was the baker's chocolate cake.  it was a deep, dark, lusciously moist bundt cake with a super thick chocolate ganache and we would get a piece each time we went.  so you can imagine my great joy when i popped this lovely cake out of her pan and cut her open to find that she was just as dark and luscious as the baker's cake - only free of gluten and dairy!  so here's to chocolate cake and making conscious decisions about the food that we eat. 

and while we're on the topic of cake...

anya's Parsnip Cake with Candied Kumquats is a.) super clever. and b.) gorgeous! definitely putting it on the to-make list for next year

i will never be able to get enough of nuts on cake, especially when there are hazelnuts and chocolate involved - laura wins the cake game with this one!

julia's photography is super pretty but this gluten free coconut cake, totally takes the cake! (harhar)

and i think we can all agree, cynthia's miniaturization of cake and pie is pretty impressive! 

then there were cake truffles by the always inventive molly!

lastly, i never knew how intricate you could get with decorating mini cakes.  here, sarah comes through with some serious jedi cake decoration knowledge

chocolate olive oil bundt w/ salted maple almonds (gluten + dairy free)


  • 1 cup brown rice flour
  • 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons almond flour
  • 2 tablespoons arrowroot powder
  • 1/3 cup raw cacao powder (or unsweetened cocoa powder) + more for coating pan
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon fine grain sea salt
  • 3 free-range eggs
  • 1 cup coconut palm sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 cup hot water
  • coconut oil for greasing 

chocolate ganache

  • 2 ounces dairy free chocolate 
  • 1.5 ounces full-fat coconut milk
  • tiny pinch of salt

salted maple almonds - recipe here

  • 1/4 cup, roughly chopped


  • preheat oven to 350° and grease an 8 or 9-inch bundt pan with coconut oil, place a couple teaspoons of cacao powder in the pan.  gently shake the pan to disperse the powder evenly; tip and bump to clear excess powder, set aside
  • in a large bowl, combine the first 6 ingredients with a whisk; set aside - break up any clumps with your fingers
  • in another large bowl, beat the eggs with the sugar until thoroughly combined - about 1 minute.  add the vanilla and oil; add the hot water while whisking
  • add the wet ingredients to the dry and whisk until combined.  carefully pour the batter into the prepared bundt pan; transfer to oven and bake for 40-45 minutes, rotating halfway through and until a baking tester comes out clean
  • transfer to a cooling rack and let cool completely.  invert onto a serving platter or large plate

make the ganache

  • in a small saucepan, heat the coconut milk until boiling, remove from heat and add the chocolate; let it rest for about 5 minutes, add the salt and stir to combine
  • drizzle chocolate evenly over the top of the cake, then top with salted maple almonds
  • best eaten the day of, but you can cover the cake with parchment and store at room temperature for about 3 days


maple almonds w/ fleur de sel by Lindsey | Dolly and Oatmeal

things are finally starting to settle around here with our new pup - he's actually turning 1 in a couple days, but he's so tiny and still learning so much about his new surroundings that it feels like he's a baby.  he's really a delightful little guy; full of energy and kisses, and the little noises he makes when stretches kill us! but the best is when frank comes in the room, he gets so overcome with excitement that he does this little hop-dance where he jumps on all cute!  so, despite the runs to the vet late at night for ear infections, or accidents on rug, or barking at neighbors and other dogs, he's the best addition to our little family.

i wasn't sure if i should even post these - maple almonds w/ salt? they're not much of a "recipe" but i came to the conclusion that these are just too dang amazing not to share!  perhaps you have a favorite store-bought brand of candy nuts, honey-roasted nuts, etc., but i urge you to make these homemade sweet, salty, snack-y almonds that are super easy, and a lot more inexpensive than the store-bought kind (not to mention healthier because you can control the amount of sugar and sodium in these babies!).  they're so good that while i was shooting these photos i turned around to what i thought was my pup chewing his toy, but nope, he was chomping down on these tasty treats - however angry i wanted to be, i couldn't, i would've eaten them too! 

happy friday, friends! have a lovely weekend :) xo

maple almonds w/ fleur de sel

| makes 1 cup |

  • 1 cup raw almonds
  • 2 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon grade B maple syrup
  • ~1 teaspoon fleur de sel (more or less depending on what you prefer)

pre heat oven to 325° and line a small baking sheet with parchment

in a medium mixing bowl, combine the maple syrup, half the fleur de sel and almonds; stir to coat evenly. transfer almonds to the prepared baking sheet and arrange them in a single layer. bake for 15-20 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes, until syrup is bubbly and almonds are a bit plumped.  remove the almonds from the oven and evenly sprinkle the remaining fleur de sel. let cool completely and store in an airtight container or jar at room temperature
