Sprouted Quinoa & Ramp Sliders w/ Garlicky Cucumber Slaw by Lindsey | Dolly and Oatmeal

this time last year i was in full on meltdown mode.  we were just about to move and i was in the middle of finishing up the manuscript for my cookbook.  there was a month long dispute with our new landlords over the apartment we were supposed to move into, and we were essentially forced to move into the adjacent apartment.  all the things worked out, but the apartment was the smaller unit, so aside from our couch taking up what you would call a living room, everything worked out quite nicely.  if you've followed along here you know i've talked about some of the work we've done to our backyard.  but after some gnarly finds in the soil (oh, hello rusted metal, and partially broken down plastic randomness!) we decided that if we were going to grow any edibles this year they were going to have to be in pots or a raised bed.  

frank took on the challenge and whipped up a pretty sizable and impressive raised bed (all the muscle arm emojis!).  and since the weather's been super lovely we've been gardening and sprucing everything up!  i say this every year, that spring is just the best feel-good season! the market is alive with all the green things, birds so chirpy, flowers popping up, buds, and sprouts - too much to love! and is it just me or are you so much more inclined to be a happier cook?  there's such a difference when the windows are cracked, the door to the backyard is open, and you feel that pulse of life in the air.  

while we've had some days that reached temps in the 80's (!!!), there are also the days where it's cool in the morning and evening, so a nice warm breakfast or supper is still in order - be it spring veg pasta, or roasted strawberry breakfast bowls.  but i'm enjoying mixing those springy greens, especially one of the first greens that hits NYC, ramps.  they're a great mix of spring onion meets spring garlic - subtle but flavorful and fragrant.  

these sliders are mix of a recipe i developed for a client and these falafel sliders from a few weeks ago.  they're made with sprouted quinoa which really helps on 2 levels: one, because sprouted quinoa is awesome for digestion; and two, because i'm terrible at remembering to soak my grains and even worse at sprouting beans and grains : /  so, thank goodness for truRoots who has a really awesome line of sprouted and germinated grains, among other products!  these sliders are super tasty, fluffy but firm, and so easy to put together; and the coating of breadcrumbs makes them less mushy veggie burger, and more crisp, sturdy burger. plus, the quinoa adds just enough protein to make these a substantial meal on their own, and adds such great texture and a sweet nutty flavor.  sometimes i forgo the bun altogether on plop these guys on a bed of greens with a good drizzle of the garlic tahini yogurt sauce. i see them as a forever go-to adding whatever seasonal produce available :)

happy spring! xo. and you can follow me over on snapchat for some garden snaps, pup photos, and daily life :) @dollyoatmeal

* this recipe was created in partnership with truRoots, all opinions, as always, are my own.  thank you so very much for supporting dolly and oatmeal's sponsors!

sprouted quinoa & ramp sliders w/ garlicky cucumber slaw | v + gf

look for sprouted quinoa to help save overnight soak time, if you have to use regular quinoa remember to soak overnight to start the sprouting process.  i really enjoy the cool cucumber slaw here, but any vegetable will work in its place.    

cucumber slaw

  • 1 small cucumber, julienned 
  • half of a small red onion, sliced paper thin on a mandolin
  • 1 teaspoon chopped dill
  • 2 tablespoons sherry vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon garlic tahini-yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • fine sea salt & fresh pepper, to taste

| makes 12-14 small patties |

  • 1 cup truRoots sprouted quinoa, rinsed
  • 2 cups water (preferably filtered)
  • big pinch of salt
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 bunch ramps, stems and leaves roughly chopped (about 1 cup)
  • 1 cup sweet potato puree
  • 1/2 cup italian seasoned, gluten free bread crumbs (or bread crumbs of choice)
  • 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons sumac
  • fine sea salt & fresh pepper




  1. spread the julienned cucumbers on a dishtowel and allow the towel to soak up any moisture, let sit for about 5 minutes.  place cucumbers in a bowl and mix together with the red onion, dill, vinegar, yogurt, and oil.  season to taste with salt and pepper, and set aside.


  1. preheat oven to 375°F, line a baking sheet with parchment and brush with olive oil to coat; set aside.
  2. place the rinsed quinoa in a saucepan with the water and salt.  bring the quinoa to a boil, stir, cover, and turn heat to low.  simmer the quinoa for 20-25 minutes, until the water has completely evaporated. remove from heat and let the quinoa come to room temp.
  3. while the quinoa is cooking saute the ramps.  heat a fry pan over medium heat, once it's hot add enough oil to coat the bottom of the pan.  add the ramps, a pinch of salt and pepper, and stir.  cook for about 1 minute, until wilted and bright green.  remove from heat and set aside.
  4. in a large bowl, thoroughly combine 2 cups cooked quinoa, ramps, sweet potato, 1/4 cup bread crumbs, nutritional yeast, sumac, 3/4 teaspoon salt, and fresh pepper to taste.  
  5. place the remaining bread crumbs in a shallow dish, set aside.  using a tablespoon measure, scoop 2 tablespoons worth of the mixture and form into patties.  dip the tops and bottoms of the patties into the bread crumbs and place on the prepared baking sheet.  gently brush tops of patties with a light coating of oil and bake for 25-30 minutes, flipping patties over halfway through, until edges are lightly brown and crisp.  
  6. schmear 1 or both sides of the bun with garlic tahini-yogurt, then top with microgreens, a slider, and some garlicky cucumber slaw. 


similar recipes:

mung bean leek burgers

mung bean leek burgers

spring fattoush salad 

spring fattoush salad 

chickpea bean bowl w/ toasted bread crumbs

chickpea bean bowl w/ toasted bread crumbs

Celebrating Earth: Spring Scenes From My Garden by Lindsey | Dolly and Oatmeal

i have vivid memories of my elementary school lunches.  i'm not sure if my mom would religiously pack me my meal because she enjoyed the process, or if she didn't like the idea of me eating cafeteria lunch. regardless of how busy my mom would be, she took her packing job seriously.  sometimes there would be a note inside, other times she would buy the reusable, environmentally friendly bags, or she would pack me a brown bag lunch and draw floral designs with my name somewhere in the mix.  it was the early nineties, so the environmental craze was just starting - our school had just begun equipping each classroom with the blue recycle pales, and we were only beginning to understand what pollution was, and what it meant.  so when i would walk into the cafeteria with my vinyl, neon blue (environmentally friendly) lunch bag with an earth patch on it, i would get sometimes get a few stares and teased a bit.   needless to say, i begged my mom to stop sending me to school with that lunch bag, despite the fact that i knew that using it was the right thing to do.

i think early on that notion of doing small things lent itself to the bigger picture which was engrained in me pretty early on.  my dad was (and still is) a super nerd when it came to recycling just about anything and everything.  we kept a compost pile under an enormous pine tree in our yard, that at the time i thought was smelly and gross, but only when i got older was able to understand and appreciate its significance. presently, i do my small part each day (and let's face it, i could always do more), but keeping a garden where i see life thrive, and butterflies rest, and bees pollinate makes my small backyard garden filled with cycles of life.  i try to take care in whatever way i can - big or small.  as part of this year's observance of earth day, i've teamed up my pals at Naked Juice to sow some seeds, plant some baby kale, and enjoy their Kale Blazer juice which is bottled in 100% post-recycled renewable bottles, minimizing waste along the way - something i can always get behind!

all the green hugs!   

*this post was created in partnership with Naked Juice.  all opinions, as always, are my own.  thank you for supporting dolly and oatmeal's sponsors! 

Roasted Strawberry & Vanilla Pepita Yogurt (v) by Lindsey | Dolly and Oatmeal

i'm usually not the one to jump the gun when it comes to spring fruit.  i can wait long enough to find fresh picked strawberries at the market, on a roadside vendor out east on long island, or pick up some local ones at my neighborhood grocer.  this winter, albeit mild, was a somewhat brutal one, and reaching for non-local, non-seasonal fruit was my go-to.  strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, kiwi, and mango have been comforting and soothing to me, so as the weather has been warming i've been even more eager for the future fruits to come.

i usually throw out-of-season, tart berries into smoothies or juices, but i've also been roasting them in the oven with aromatic, unrefined coconut oil, and a bit of maple syrup for sweetness. they roast up just long enough for their juices to mix with the oil and syrup, and for the strawberries to melt and soften before any caramelizing action happens.  the juices, and warm, melty strawberries are my favorite to pair with yogurt - the flavors together remind me of my childhood strawberry yogurt snack i would have everyday when i'd come home from school.  so this version is perhaps a little more fancy, and in my opinion a bit more luxurious.  for crunch, there's a good helping of Kashi GOLEAN Vanilla Pepita Clusters that make this breakfast/snack/treat come together so nicely.  the cereal includes red beans, millet, yellow peas, and popped sorghum (!) in its ingredients which add flavor, texture, and added nourishment to this bowl.

on another note, the winners of my cookbook giveaway last week have been chosen, and an email was sent to the 2 winners.  thank you all for your comments and support it's made this all so special! xo

this post was created in partnership with Kashi.  all opinions, as always, are my own.  thank you for supporting dolly and oatmeal's sponsors! 

roasted strawberry & vanilla pepita yogurt | v + gf

i use unsweetened cultured coconut yogurt, but a vanilla flavor would also work nicely as well.  the preparation of the strawberries would also lend itself well to any type of berry, just adjust the cook time for more delicate berries.

roasted strawberries

| makes about 6 servings |

  • 1 lb. (16 oz.) strawberries, halved
  • 2 tablespoons unrefined virgin coconut oil, melted
  • 1/2 tablespoon maple syrup
  • pinch of salt

yogurt bowls

  • roughly 1/4 cup roasted strawberries
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut yogurt
  • 1/2 cup Kashi GOLEAN Vanilla Pepita Clusters, or granola 


  1. preheat oven to 350°F.  toss together the strawberries, coconut oil, maple syrup, and pinch of salt in an oven safe baking dish, and arrange the berries in a single layer.  bake in the middle of your oven for 15-18 minutes, until strawberries are soft and tender and edges are slightly browned.  set aside to cool for 10 minutes.
  2. place yogurt in a bowl, top with strawberries and vanilla pepita clusters.


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